December 30, 2013

Painted Triangle Canvas

This is a painted triangle canvas. I took a 16x20 inch canvas and turned it into this. I saw one on Pinterest that I loved, but I was not going to pay for one when I could make it myself. First off, I spray painted the whole canvas in gold. After it dried, I took blue painters tape and taped it off in a triangle pattern that I liked. I then painted each triangle a different color, let that dry, and then pulled the tape off. Some of the paint actually came off along the edges of the triangles which was disappointing, but I still love the look of it! The edges aren't crisp, but have a little ripple to them which gives it a better effect, I think. This can be done with any colors to match your home and is very easy at that!

Tile Coasters

Everybody struggles with finding the perfect wedding gift to give to that special couple in their lives. And typically, everyone always goes off of the couple's registry and buys something non-personable that the bride and groom requested. I, however, did not want to do that! I wanted something that would mean something to the bride and groom, and something that I personally made for them. This is where, with the help of Pinterest, I found the perfect thing: Tile Coasters. It is very simple to do and will fit perfectly in the home, and be used frequently. All you need is tile from a hardware store, felt, modge podge, spray adhesive, glossy spray sealer, and the pictures! You cut the felt to fit perfectly onto the back of the tile and use the spray adhesive to make sure it stays on. Then cut the pictures to fit onto the tile and use the modge podge to glue it down onto the tile. Then coat the front with modge podge to seal it and give it a glossy finish. Then use an actual glossy sealing spray to protect the picture and act as an actual coaster that repels the water drops. You're done! This is very easy and cheap to do and the person(s) you make them for will love them! It is the perfect way to add a little personal touch to your home.